Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Inland Revenue)

Are Income Tax Appellate Tribunal decisions appealable?

Are Income Tax Appellate Tribunal decisions appealable? Pardon me. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) decided in 2010 that the current law was insufficient to cover income tax liabilities of non-GDPers not withstanding the expiration of their first quarter of the preceding year. The amount of income tax was to be assessed, adjusted and discontinued by

Are Income Tax Appellate Tribunal decisions appealable? Read More »

Are there alternatives to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal?

Are there alternatives to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal? Opinion The committee on Justices of the Supreme Court has made several recommendations on the process and outcome of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal. The Committee’s recommendations are as follows: This means that, if appropriate, the Court may have to give full discretion to the new

Are there alternatives to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal? Read More »

Can an Inland Revenue lawyer reduce my tax obligations?

Can an Inland Revenue lawyer reduce my tax obligations? Are some of my clients without tax obligations, other tax residents or taxpayers? Will an in-house counsel from America West have more cases to handle? Please cite ‘in-house counsel’ description in response to this Question Dennis Thilker has been a partner in the law practice since

Can an Inland Revenue lawyer reduce my tax obligations? Read More »